Beautiful reflections. Last year on Maundy Thursday I had a three year old who jumped in a big puddle and got very muddy feet. I grumbled as I cleaned them before realising that I'd been provided with the perfect opportunity to follow Christ's command. Love the way caring for our kids teaches us about humility and service.

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Oh, what a gift! I just love moments like that--when the Spirit just playfully taps our shoulder and reveals the holy ground we’re standing on. Thanks for sharing. I can relate to those grumbling feelings all too well. This morning I’m struck by Jesus on his way to the cross: “am I not to drink the cup that the Father has given me?”

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Holy moly! Thank you so much 💕Leslie for writing this. I always feel like I have a hard time navigating this time of year as someone who works in a secular setting and who grew up with tradition but didn’t always understand them. It can be easy for me to focus on work, and forget to rejoice in the triumph of our Lord. I really needed this reminder. I really appreciate you sharing this blog. Very grounding and insightful.

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Beautifully put and laid out Leslie. These ordinary acts in ordinary days are indeed, holy ❤️

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Reading this again and can empathize so much more with a now almost two year old. So thankful for you sharing your heart Leslie. I find myself often reminded of this (especially when Im annoyed or grumbling) to serve my daughter and imagining how Jesus served the little ones that they would want to come and be around him.

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